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Data Security

Data Security We care & understand your privacy

Data Protection

All data stored in SkoolRoom is encrypted with 256-bit AES, SSL securities. Time to time new enhancements will be added/ update to strengthen the data security even further. Clients information is tottaly secure & safe.

Secure Access

Access to SkoolRoom instance is secured by unique ID & password for each user type on web as well as on mobile app. Individuals like director, admin, teacher, parent or student can only access account(s) related to them.

Data Recovery

Data stored in SkoolRoom cloud with multiple redundancy and disaster recovery processes to ensure clients data is always accessible. Our team is putting regular efforts to take data back ups for efficient & quick data recovery.


SkoolRoom supports integration with different types of third party software and hardware solutions like application, RFIDs etc. In every integration we ensure the data privacy and security with 3rd party vendors.