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The ">SkoolRoom believes in the motto that “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. As a go green initiative, The SkoolRoom wishes to encourage people to choose environmentally friendly behaviors and live sustainably with less waste and damage to the environment. Going green is a personal choice that is embraced by individuals to contribute towards the betterment of this planet and make this place a better place to live for future generations to come.

Here are some good reasons to Go Green:

  • Clean and Green Environment: When you go green, you are effectively reducing your carbon footprint. By reducing pollution, you are reducing the amount of energy that is being used and creating a greener and cleaner environment.
  • Recycling Helps You To Be More Creative: Not only do you save energy as well as money but you have the opportunity to create useful items out of recycled materials. This helps you to become more creative and come up with new ways to be energy and material efficient. Buying less and buying used products are also Green choices.
  • Breathe Healthy Air: Using all-natural products makes you a healthier person. When you will be healthy, you are going to be more productive at workplace. The less chemicals the products you use have in them, the less toxins you and your family are breathing in. Everything from household products to cosmetic products can be purchased as an eco-friendly product. Green homes have better indoor air quality as paints and cleaners are low in volatile organic compounds which makes it comfortable for home-owners to breathe.
  • Save Rainforests: Every year a large area of rainforests goes towards developing of roads, highways, townships, and agriculture. In short, due to increase in urbanization, people are using the areas covered by rainforests for their own interests. Similarly, several trees are axed to produce a ton of printing and writing paper. Rainforests act as air purifiers and are lifeline for thousands of plants and animals.
  • Green Products are Non-toxic: Green cleaning and skin products do not contain toxic and harmful chemicals. When you choose to use traditional products, think of all those chemicals that enter your body
  • Nature Took Care of Us; It’s Time To Pay Back: The world is not going to be around forever. The longer that you take care of it the longer it will last. Taking small steps such as recycling and saving energy will benefit the Earth for a much longer time.
  • Set as an Example For Others: If your business goes green, your employees will be much happier. Employees will grow to appreciate the gestures and see that you care about the environment and you may even be able to pass good habits onto them.
  • Self-Sufficiency: Going green can help you to be less reliable on fuels and other harmful toxins. You will become self-sufficient and be able to create new and innovative ways to get back and forth to work and save energy in your home. Living a sustainable life requires make use of renewable energies and other resources.
  • Improve Your Health: By purchasing an eco-friendly vehicle and home you could be decreasing the amount of pollutants that get into the air. This makes both the indoors and outdoors have cleaner air for you to breathe. Ultimately, you will be breathing better air. Improved health means less spending on insurance products and hospital bills.

Going green is not just a slogan. The ">SkoolRoom as a team promotes the minimum use of paper as well as recycling the waste produced by us. We offer to digitalize the school management system which brings down the use of paper in schools to it’s bare minimum. Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil and give life to the world's wildlife. They also provide us with the materials for tools and shelter. We urge everybody around us to start with small steps, this is the need of the hour.

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