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Traditional education is defined as teacher-centered delivery of instruction to classes of students who are the receivers of information. Traditional schools generally stress basic educational practices and expect mastery of academic learning in the core subjects of math, reading, writing, science and social studies. It refers to long-established customs that society traditionally used in schools.

Benefits of traditional learning

Inclusion of social learning

Social learning refers to the elements of learning where the students learn by interacting with each other. The peer network becomes a support system that not only helps in learning but also shapes the character of the students as they learn to share and respect others.

Incorporation of Extra Curricular activities

In a traditional learning system, the extracurricular activities give the students offers the students plenty of opportunities to showcase their hidden talent to others. This boosts their self-confidence and helps in personality development.

Smart education consciously adopts educational management practices and instructional processes to foster systemic changes. The smart school is a technology-based teaching learning institution for preparing children for the Information Age. It uses a variety of digital tools ranging from smartphones, tablets, laptops, projectors, starboards, digital textbooks, etc. Here the focus is using audio-visual tools to engage the student. In a smart education system, the teacher is a guide who helps the students navigate their learning process through independent learning systems such that they are personalized and customized to suit the learning style and learning pace of the student.

Benefits of Smart Education

Lower Costs

In a traditional schooling system, there are a few mandatory fees that every student must pay related to using classroom space, school resources and equipment. However, these do not apply to an online course and with the right tools and software, students can enjoy large discounts on the courses that they have applied for.

Larger Variety of Courses

In a smart education system, the online school is not bound by space or time constraints. This is the prime reason that they can offer their students a larger number of courses compared to traditional educational institutes. Thus, a smart education student has access to a larger number of courses that they can take at any time and place of their convenience, expanding their learning.

Channels of Communications with Teachers

One of the biggest benefits of taking the smart education system is that it offers students multiple channels of communication with the teachers. Instead of waiting to speak with the teacher after class or taking a special appointment for clearing doubts, the online student can clear his doubts by mailing the teacher or chatting with him on the messaging boards, access to teachers, experts, and student guides increases their confidence in the subject.


In a traditional education system, students have a constant pressure to keep up with other students and perform at a speed that they may not be comfortable in. On the other hand, a smart education system is characterized by the flexibility that allows the students to learn at their own pace, stopping to review the topics repeatedly, or clearing the doubts with the teachers.

Access to technology broadens minds and encourages good decision-making due to the variety of information available. Where traditional classroom systems are considered boring, The " title="skoolroom">SkoolRoom School " title="Management System">Management System aims to change all that and inculcate fun into the classroom. Children stay excited to learn.